Information Center
The Information Center is a hub for questions, directions, maps, and anything a visitor needs to know about the University of Connecticut. If you have a question or concern, we will happily assist with finding the answer, or pointing you in the right direction.
Find us on the second floor of the Student Union by the Fairfield Way entrance.
Information Center Services
- Mail distribution for departments within the Student Union
- Hanging of flyers within the Student Union
- Hanging of banners over the Food Court
- Commuter Lockers
Student Union Poster & Flyer Policies
- Only 2 posters per customer/event can be submitted at one time.
- No Classified ads may be posted in the Student Union*
- This includes furniture/appliance sales, rooms/apartments for rent, cars for sale, etc.
- *The bulletin board diagonal from the Information Center and next to the Husky Bucks machine is a board where any flyer can be posted. This board is cleared every Sunday night.
- Postings should not exceed 17” x 11”
- Postings may not be laminated
- All flyers must be approved and stamped by the Information Center staff.
- All flyers will be placed on the boards by the Student Union staff.
- Flyers will be posted within 24 hours and will remain up for 14 days, or at the completion of the event, whichever comes first.
- In order to be approved, the following must apply:
- The event must be open to all students
- The event must be sponsored by a registered student organization or university department.
- The name of the sponsor of the event must be on the flyer.
- Flyers or other advertising materials are not permitted on walls, painted surfaces, windows, doors, floors, bricks, bathroom stalls, railings, etc.
Student Union Banner Posting Policies
Information about Banner reservations and guidelines can be found in the "Banner Space in the Union" section of our Event Planning tools webpage.